Confinement Nanny Red Packet

Giving red packet or ang pao to someone is a symbolic of ensured smoothness. We not only give ang pao during Chinese New Year, but also on other happy occasion such as wedding, baby full moon, when someone started business & etc.
It is a culture or practice to give confinement nanny ang pao or red packet both when confinement starts and when confinement ends. The purpose of the angpao is to symbolize a smooth confinement.
Ang pow when confinement starts are generally range from $30 to $80 with an average of $50, although some confinement nanny agency specifically states the minimum required amount in their contract.
Ang pao when confinement ends would be given based on confinement lady performance throughout the period with you. It would be as low as $100 to $500. On an average, it would be $200 to $300. There are some special case where aunty given as high as $800.
In total and on average, you would spend about $250 to $350 on ang pao for aunty. Remember to add this as your total cost of whole confinement.
Do not be surprised if some freelance confinement nanny negotiates with you the amount of both ang paos even before a deal been strike. If some freelance nanny requested overly huge amount for ang pao, then you would know the person is overly money driven. Remember, always check with your freelance confinement nanny or confinement lady agency regarding ang pow (together with amount) to avoid misunderstanding.
Red packet above applies to day time confinement nanny Singapore as well.Â
On a normal circumstance, only two ang paos will be given out throughout whole confinement period. However, there are some cases where nanny replacement is requested due to:
- nanny fall sick in between the job
- nanny having family issue and need to terminate her services
- nanny’s performance doesn’t reach your expectation
There are different school of thought for this replacement cases.
Solution 1:
Client will not give confinement ends ang pao to First nanny and confinement starts ang pao to Second nanny. Only give Second nanny the confinement ends ang pao.
Solution 2:
It would be better if Client gives First nanny confinement ends ang pao even if the amount is small as a token of appreciation. The amount given will be based on the period First nanny have worked for you and the performance. It is a little token of appreciation. First nanny would understand if they get lesser as they need to go out before the end of their service. It is also understandable if confinement starts ang pao for Second nanny that going in is slightly lower than the previous nanny.
Personally, I would encourage Client to follow Scenario 2. It is because before confinement started, you should have total ang pao budget in your mind and all you need to do is to reallocate the amount between First and Second nanny.
Overall, giving ang pao is a culture or tradition which symbolizes a smooth confinement. Apart from ang pao that drive nanny to provide best service, good confinement lady review from client is the other drive.
Before confinement starts, remember to apply confinement nanny work permit and extend confinement nanny social pass if necessary. Once confinement end, remember to pay confinement nanny levy to MOM.
Once baby reach 16 weeks (112 days), remember to change the confinement work permit to babysitter work permit.
If have any questions or need confinement nanny, please feel free to WhatsApp us.
Remember to cover your nanny with confinement nanny insurance. By the law, you are liable up to $15,000 hospitalization bill if unfortunate thing happen.
You can check out market rate for confinement nanny price or click ASK PRICEÂ button to know our nanny fee.
Feel free to continue read our other articles that relevant to you in our website below.
Lastly, remember to take care of baby and yourself during pregnancy by regularly go to checkup with your gynae and obstetrician. All the best ^^.
Quick Link
- Confinement Nanny Service
- Day Time Confinement Nanny Singapore
- Confinement Herbal
- Nanny Permit Application
- Babysitter Work Permit Application
- Gynae
- How to Apply Confinement Nanny Permit
- How to Extend Confinement Nanny Permit
- How to Extend Social Visit Pass
- How to Cancel Confinement Nanny Permit
- How to Pay Levy
- Confinement Nanny Life
- Confinement Nanny Red Packet
- Confinement Nanny Insurance
- Confinement Nanny Price
- Stockpiling Fridge
- Equipment Preparation
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